Courses and Schedule
Clay 101
Tuesday 12/06/2018
9:30am – 12:30pm
Lecture Demonstration with some hands on.
The very stuff .. what is clay? Understand more about this amazing medium. What has been made out of clay through history and how? Different clays and what they are good for …we will examine porcelain, terra cotta, dark stoneware and other available clay bodies and what makes them different from the others and what are the similarities. Topics such as recycling clay, economic use of clay; best clay for the job; clay additives for texture, colour and strength amongst discussion about slips, terra sigillata, powdered clay and more.
All materials and notes supplied. Light morning tea provided.

Glaze 101
Tuesday 26/06/2018
9:30am – 12:30pm
Lecture Demonstration with some hands on.
What is a glaze? What makes a glaze? What are the various temperatures to fire to? How to mix a glaze from a dry mix? Mixing a glaze from a recipe? Colorants for glazes. Applying a glaze – dipping, pouring, spraying, painting ; using resists. What can you use under a glaze… underglazes and oxides? What can you use on a glaze…. on glazes, lustres and decals? This lecture demo will go over all these aspects of glazing so you are familiar with methods and materials and can come to recognise on work and aspects to glaze history such as maiolica/majolica and Arabian lustre.
All materials and notes supplied. Light morning tea provided.
Brushwork 101
Saturday 11/08/2018
10:00am – 1:00pm
Lecture Demonstration with some hands on.
Includes brush making. Brushwork is about surety of hand and brush. You need to understand the flow and nature of using brushwork with ceramic. We will explore using a range of sizes and types of brushes for various effects, maintenance and making of brushes. We will experiment with brushwork on paper and clay in both small and large scale.
All materials and notes supplied. Light morning tea provided.

Texture 101
Printmaking With Clay
Tuesday 07/08/2018
9:30am – 12:30pm
Lecture Demonstration with some hands on.
We will look at making a range of small freestanding and wall works, functional and decorative. Something small can be perfectly formed and fit into the hand … making something special , small and precious. A range of forms and techniques will be explored.
All materials and notes supplied. Light morning tea provided.
Small Works 101
Tuesday 28/08/2018
9:30am – 12:30pm
Lecture Demonstration with some hands on.
Clay is the chameleon of visual media and has often been used to create ‘fossils’ of the makers mark. A myriad of textures can be made using the same tool at different stages of dryness or a variety of tools in the same moment.
Knowing the qualities of the marks you want and why … perhaps to resonate a concept … to reinforce a feel …
You can manage and orchestrate texture to tell a story, promote a surface and delight the touch and eye. Learn a range of ways to use texture in your work including carving, impressing, printing, repeat patterning and more.
All materials and notes supplied. Light morning tea provided.

Large Works 101
Tuesday 18/09/2018
9:30am – 12:30pm
Lecture Demonstration with some hands on.
There are special challenges when working large… time and gravity are just two! Designing the work and planning the make is important – choosing the best clay and techniques are also essential. Bring along a sketch of an idea so practical ways of making the piece can be discussed. Large forms will be demonstrated , drying, firing and potential problems discussed.
All materials and notes supplied. Light morning tea provided.